Everyone in our house smelled like Dial growing up, but we knew we were all free of bacteria and ready for surgery at a moment's notice. When I got to college, someone said, "Hey man, try this new Lever2000 stuff. It rocks!" That really opened my nose to a whole new world of olfactory possibilities. Then, one day, a girl walked past the cafeteria smelling like cinnamon but it was dinner time so how could that be? Now, here we are, 30 years later, and anyone can smell like pretty much anything they want. I'm in India and there's even a durian body wash here. !@#%!?? So what will it be, one wonders on a daily basis—Vetiver? Peppermint Citrus? Tarantula Extract with Cashew? THANK YOU for addressing this newfangled, common, and utterly hidden problem in such a smart way, but I remain at a complete loss for what defines sexy anymore. Maybe I'm old-school, but between the sheets I really just enjoy... flesh. I know. Eww.