I met a man in Texas who described himself as an ardent democrat, voted for Hillary, etc. He said he listened to Fox simply to understand “the other side.” He listened to the plight of the tomato farmers and how Trump saved them. He listened to a version of Trump’s economic success. He listened to the point that he finally said, “I remain a true democrat, but I have to vote for Trump because he’s the only one who cares for the real American.” I was flabbergasted. This is not a stupid man, but he, like most, is impressionable, and Fox is brilliant at targeting and exploiting this common human trait. But it’s not NEWS. It doesn’t report, it commentates with a purposefully skewed vision. Many comparisons are made between Trump and Hitler and ill-conceived or not the truth is that the power over a populace relies on the guidance of their perceptions via information: the media. It’s always good to know what others think, but be careful — Fox is friendly, feels true, and is highly seductive and addictive, but it’s also extremely dangerous. Wear protective gear.