If you have ANY money in a bank account, your wallet, and loose change, you’re better off than 99% of people on the planet. Here’s your action plan:
1. Move. Now. Anywhere.
2. Take responsibility. Your marriage was a bust and you were hurt. Own it. G’bye old life! Stop looking back at what you “had” because it was an illusion, a house of cards. Dwelling in the past gives you depression. Dwelling on the future provides anxiety. Live in the Now.
3. Call upon your wealthy ex-in-laws to help with your kids financially. Not you, per se, but your kids. Get THEM to help YOUR KIDS out of the dangerous apartment. Put some of the onus on them for raising the brat you married.
4. When you feel the urge to complain, write about something lovely instead. You need to find the good in people again, to rebuild your belief in your own goodness and powers. Don’t victim-shame yourself anymore. You’re better than that. You’re better than him. And your raiding kids who will be better for this adversity, too. They won’t take anything for granted.
5. Take an hour a week to volunteer for an organization servicing people worse off than you. You’ll see, very quickly, that there are thousands.
6. Appreciate.