Is taking advantage of a mistake the same as taking advantage of a situation? In 1995 we shot a 16mm film and recorded the sound on DAT tapes. We had to transfer these recordings to 16mm magnetic audio tape for editing. The lab I chose had a printed price sheet: .10¢/ft for the transfer. We had hours of audio and at that rate we expected to pay ~$250. When the bill came in at $2500 we screamed bloody murder: the price was printed in ten places as .10¢/ft. If they meant 10¢ it should read $.10/ft — or lose the decimal. But that decimal was clearly there and they guy even said, "it's point-ten-cents per foot". Oops on them. We ultimately agreed to pay $1000 for the transfer and the next time I went they revised the price sheet. Were we wrong? Petty? Smart? Or dumb for paying even .01¢ more than $250?!