No surprises here.
"Wear a mask"
Don't tell ME what to do!
"Social Distance"
The Beach! Parks! My Friends!
"Stay Home"
I'm bored at home! Let's go out!
"Avoid Crowds"
But Church! Rallies! Sports!
"Don't Travel"
It's my birthright to explore.
"Vote for a proactive and responsible, proven leader who believes in human rights, social equilibrium and fights for a cohesive world-vision of opportunity and freedom."
How will that get ME a better House / Car / TV / Money Back on my Taxes / Stronger Coal Production / A Working Tomato Farm?
For all the sports we play, all the social media we consume, the group-efforts involved in nearly every vocation, and all the interconnected systems we utilize and enjoy, somehow even with all of that it appears (half of) Americans can't seem learn there's no 'I' in 'TEAM'. So the death toll rises and the economy falls. Again, no surprise.
But I won't be moving to Pakistan.