One of the difficulties of being human is our incessant need to adjudicate everything as Good or Bad. It's so arrogant. We Don't Know!! Somehow, killing one or killing five to save one or five becomes a moral question, when really there are factors beyond our knowledge that could potentially inform the decision. What if a descendant from the one we save creates fertilizers to protect crops from bugs, thinking he's benefitting society by providing more food, but the side-effect is everyone who eats his crops gets Alzheimer's from the poison? You see where I'm going with this... anyone has the potential to do anything and with that comes the indefatigable quandary of "What is Best." What is best... for whom? Should I follow the same religion as my parents because it's best for them and the community they belong to, or is it best to NOT follow that religion because my heart tells me it's not my path?
Ultimately, Good vs. Nice has nothing to do with the trolley, and not all nice people are nice for show, and even "Good" people do "Bad" things thinking it's "Right." I appreciate the philosophies you poke at here, but if we can stop with the judgements of others and just lead *our own* clean and honest lives where we help each other instead of hurting each other, make choices to create instead of destroy, grow more than we consume, practice generosity, and immerse ourselves into alternate cultures to facilitate understanding, we'll all be stepping ahead, together, towards a nicer AND better world.
In theory.