People choose to watch horror films for the adrenaline rush of being scared. Knowing it’s fake doesn’t eliminate the disturbance these images and tropes place in our minds—seeds, in a form, that lower the barrier of what’s acceptable.
The first horror movies, as a child, terrify with ensuing nightmares. But as teenagers, more often we laugh at the misery and gore. Many adults recognize this as a destruction to the innate pursuit of happiness and outgrow it, choosing not to pollute their minds. But others seek more thrills, more craziness, more active dopamine in the brain chemistry to find their joy.
THIS is where it gets disturbing. Seeing a fake body being ripped open is no longer enough and the real horror becomes necessary to feel the same thrills.
With everything we choose to see and do, we can create or destroy our own purity. Same goes with violent video games, it can extend to music, and even our choices of food. Choose wisely.
PS: I’m NOT speaking about religion here. This is about spirit, which is vastly different.
PS2: There’s still plenty of darkness on the “regular” web.