Preach! Back in architecture school in the mid 90’s it was confusing: we were asked to develop our creative voices, yet bullied in critiques to conform to tried-and-true standards which typically simplified and dumbed-down our inspirational designs.
I remember discussing a cross-country road trip with a friend who gleefully lauded that “Walmarts are all the same and I can always get what I need wherever I am.” I thought it was disgusting. The JOY of a road trip is experiencing the DIFFERENCES between Denver or Pittsburgh or Santa Fe or Savannah.
These buildings are the Walmarts of construction and sadly our expectations are satisfied while being subversively diminished.
I’m not sure where it ends. I’d say there may be hope for our interiors to at least reflect our personalities, but with IKEA and Bob’s and even HomeGoods for our throw pillows, I doubt it. Sigh.