We were at a restaurant and finished ordering. As the waitress walked away my grandfather commented on her figure and rather, umm, copious bosom.
“Grandpa! You can’t do that! That’s so demeaning!” We cried out.
“What? Why? She’s Gorgeous!”
“But Grandma is sitting RIGHT THERE!”
Grandma smiled and said, “it’s okay. We have an understanding about your grandfather’s wandering eye.”
Grandpa continued, “we’re both allowed to look at the “menu”. It’s only when you order that you have to pay for your “meal.”
Then grandma added, “mmm hmmm. And the tip!”
It was their relationship and their rules. So long as boundaries were expressed and agreed upon, who were we to judge their fidelity, in any form? They were married 61 beautiful years, full of respect and love.