When we decided to move to a new state a major consideration was our proximity to a TJ’s. I find 90% of what I eat there, typically organic, lower cost, fresh (sometimes right from the box they’re stocking!), and (before COVID) with free samples to boot. Their return policy is unparalleled so I have no fear about trying something “weird” like mango peppered salsa or Greek yogurt oat sandwich cookies. ONLY GRIPE: some original products disappear and are never reproduced. If we sense this might happen we stock up!!
Okay, one more gripe: I tried three times to get a job there, but eventually I was told I was overqualified because I used to run my own store. They worried I wouldn’t adapt. Totally untrue for me, but I respect that they fear the unmalleable. That’s why they won’t run the country — when was the last time anyone in DC thought outside a (lobbiest’s) box?